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A Better Way to Feel Your Best

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to achieve your optimal wellness. That’s why we work 1-on-1 with each client to develop a tailored wellness plan from our variety of innovative services. We’re here to help you achieve your goals, whether you’re looking to burn that last bit of calories, help your muscles recover before tomorrow’s workout, look better, or help alleviate symptoms of existing conditions.

Take a look below to see how our services can help.



No matter what you’re looking to Defy, our Cryotherapy wellness chambers offer a unique, yet fundamental experience for anyone looking to feel their best.


One of our most popular services, our saline Float Rooms offer you the ultimate private relaxation experience within a safe, restorative environment.

Cryo lift

We also offer the full benefits of immersive Cryotherapy with a less intense, more targeted option specifically designed to restore and rejuvenate your face. Our cryo lifts are a great option for those looking to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance. As this is our Cryotherapy service that specifically targets the face, it’s a great complement to our full-body Cryotherapy experience.



This simple pad stimulates your body’s natural blood flow so the muscles and organs throughout your body have the nutrients, energy and oxygen they need to operate at their peak. This system not only enables your body to overcome physical ailments and bolster it’s natural processes, but this also allows any medications and nutrients to circulate fully throughout your body for the maximum impact.


Zero Gravity 3D Massage 

The point of any massage is to help stress leave the body, whether physical or psychological. Our Zero Gravity Massage chairs do just that by placing your body in a supported, but reclined position that reduces the overall stress on your body so you can get the most benefit from the massage.

Air Relax

Originally developed to treat medical patients suffering from severe muscular and circulatory disorders, Air Relax technology applies beneficial compression to the limbs to improve your circulation. Comprised of air-pressure controlled boots and sleeves, you just sit back and enjoy the benefits of better circulation, whether you’re recovering from an injury, treating symptoms of various ailments, or increasing the results of your training.

far Infrared Sauna (COMING SOON)

Leveraging the unique benefits of infrared heat in a relaxing environment, our Far Infrared Saunas offer a stress-free way to support a healthy lifestyle. While this technology offers a variety of benefits, the most direct is detoxification through sweating. Because far infrared heat can reach deep into your tissue, our Infrared Sauna allows your body to purge toxins on a cellular level.

Deep Light (coming Soon)

This convenient, non-invasive technology offers an easy means for anyone to introduce therapeutic photonic energy into the body in order to increase blood circulation to the brain and improve mental acuity. Using near infrared light energy, this technology gently stimulates the mitochondria in our cells to produce ATP. ATP is what carries our cellular energy that plays an integral role in our natural brain function.


Wellness far from skin deep, which is why we offer extremely detailed 3D body scanners so you can get a clear view of your physical health, whether it’s locating areas of fat to focus on or tracking your progress as you build muscle. No intimidating wires or machines; simply stand on a rotating platform and we’ll do the rest.