
Far-Infrared Sauna

frequently asked questions

Is FIR radiation harmful?

The energy emitted by the Far Infra Red Sauna is a shallow and safe wavelength. In our sauna, the shallow heat waves emitted from the black panels bypass the skin and end up deep in our bodies providing a very unique deep detox.

Is the FIR sauna contraindicated during a pregnancy?

We recommend you talk to your doctor first but the FIR Sauna is safe to use during pregnancy. Let us know before hand so that we can adjust the temperature.

How long do people typically stay in the FIR Sauna?

Sessions last approximately 20-30 minutes as compared to 5-10 minutes session in a regular sauna.

How hot does it get in the FIR Sauna?

Since we don’t have to force the heat into you, we don’t need to be at 180 – 200ºF. In this system warms up to a max of 158ºF which is sufficient to get the deep detox this system is designed for.

far infrared sauna

Leveraging the unique benefits of infrared heat in a relaxing environment, our Far Infrared Saunas offer a stress-free way to support a healthy lifestyle. While this technology offers a variety of benefits, the most direct is detoxification through sweating. Because far infrared heat can reach deep into your tissue, our FIR Sauna allows your body to purge toxins on a cellular level. Using FIR wavelengths instead of steam to heat your body also allows the sauna to utilize dry heat rather than having uncomfortable steam, thus making it much easier to breathe.


  • Deep detox

  • Pain relief

  • Improved appearance

  • Weight loss

  • Reduced stress

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