Frequently asked questions
Is floating bad for pregnancies?
First-term pregnancies are contraindicated for floats. However, for women in their 2nd or 3rd term pregnancy, floating can help feel weightless
How do you clean the tanks?
We clean the entire water 3 times and each time filtering the water then treating it with Ozone Oxidation and then making the water sterile with UV light.
Can I stay in the floatation tank for over 60 mins?
While people have been known to stay longer. Floating sessions are an hour long, you get a few minutes to shower and rinse off before the float, the float session then starts by making an announcement, letting you know that the float session is ready to start. The floating session itself is 50 minutes and then an announcement at the end lets you know that the float session is up.
Can I float if I’m menstruating?
Follow the same procedure as you would in a pool.
I’m claustrophobic. Is floating for me?
Our floats have lights that turn on or off with the push of a button and music as well. Furthermore we offer a larger more open float suite to address that need.
Is there a risk of drowning when floating?
Floating in our suites is completely effortless. It’s not like floating in a pool that requires some effort but completely effortless, like what we see astronauts doing in space. The water is only 8-10 inches deep, it’s shallower than your bathtub.
Will my skin wrinkle during a floating session?
Because of the large quantity of epsom salts we use in our float, your skin does not wrinkle.
Floatation Therapy
In addition to diet and exercise, your body’s ability to truly relax comprises key component of reaching your optimal self. Our saline float rooms with no light and sound prevent the body from reacting to those stimuli allowing your body and mind to completely rejuvenate and relax. This relaxing setting actively removes physical and psychological stress so your body can focus on restoring itself.
Improved circulation.
Elevation of mood.
Increased creativity.
Relaxation and improved sleep.
Reduction of soreness and pain.
Improved focus and mental acuity.
Relieve stress and reduce anxiety.
Reduction in blood pressure and heart rate.