
Float Therapy Houston

Float Therapy Houston

Do you often find yourself facing a lot of stress in your day-to-day life? Do you frequently feel exhausted? Do you experience a lot of physical pain in your body? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it might be time to experience a new way of relaxing. If you are interested in learning more about float therapy or scheduling your first session, give us a call today.

Float Therapy. What is it?

Float therapy is where the patient floats in a zero-gravity-like state. It's similar to the Dead Sea, so it's 30% salt salinity to water volume. Our clients love float therapy because of the relaxation benefits that they achieve, pain relief, and anxiety relief. Research has shown that when people with anxiety disorders take float therapy with the lights on, they can experience the same kind of relief that they would find in a prescription pill up to 20 hours! Turn the lights off, and the same results are achieved as an anti-depressant.

Does Float Therapy Work?

The worse you feel when you come in for your float therapy session, the better you're going to feel when you come out! Float therapy is something to try for the first time after you have had a difficult week at work or if the kids are driving you crazy. It's such a simple process that it may seem too good to be true, but it's not! You just get in, and 80% of the stress is gone after your first float. It really works, and that is why so many people around the world are receiving float therapy.

Following float therapy, most people will get out feeling their 15-year-old selves, when they had immense creativity and inspiration. You'll be the best version of you!

Is Float Therapy Sanitary?

Our spas are clean to a surprising degree, and each room is private, so you'll have your own private suite when you receive float therapy at Defy Cryotherapy & Float. You'll come in, shower off, and float. You'll be in control of the entire experience. You can play music, you can keep the lights on, and it's your personal time alone.

The water in our floatation chambers is probably cleaner than the water that comes out of your shower. We put the water through five turnovers in our five-micron filter in-between clients. We then Ozone and Ultraviolet to kill anything that could possibly be in the water. It's extraordinarily clean.

How Long Can I Float?

You can float as long as you want, but most people will float for about an hour. Float therapy is highly recommended for an hour a week just to let go of all of the stress, pressure, and anxiety that this world puts on all of us. Trust us; you'll discover that doing so is a worthy investment!

If you are interested in float therapy in Houston, contact Defy Cryotherapy & Float today. A better-feeling, healthier you is just a phone call away.