Dry Sauna Houston
Spa services, such as massages and saunas, have become more popular in recent years. Scientific technology has even allowed places like Defy Studio to evolve their self-care services. They have zero gravity massages, float rooms, cryotherapy, and much more. Anyone searching for a dry sauna in Houston, Texas can find one at Defy Studio. They use infrared technology to create dry heat in their saunas, which can penetrate deeper into tissue than traditional saunas. This type of penetration can lead to health and healing benefits.
What Are The Benefits of a Sauna?
The Far Infrared Sauna found at Defy Studio has a number of health benefits. These include; pain relief, a deep detox, weight loss, reduced stress, and more. These benefits are a result of how deep the dry heat is able to penetrate into the tissue. Your body will purge itself of toxins by sweating. This can be achieved without the steam found in regular saunas. This steam sometimes makes breathing uncomfortable, but that won’t be a problem at Defy Studio.
What Else Does Defy Studio Offer?
Defy Studio offers much more than dry saunas. From massages to cryo lifts, they are sure to have something that fits with your taste.
Zero Gravity Massages
Zero gravity massages are a major service offered at Defy Studio. These are done by using reclined massaging chairs, designed to relieve your body of stress and pain. In addition to the physical, a zero gravity massage can also help with any psychological stress you may be dealing with.
Float Rooms
Float rooms are actually one of the more popular services found at Defy Studio. The saline float rooms are completely free of sound and light, allowing your body to truly rest and relax. By removing any psychological or physical stress, your body will be able to restore itself. This type of complete relaxation can lead to; increased blood circulation, increase creativity, improved sleep, reduced pain, and more.
BEMER stands for Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation, and it is another well-known service found at Defy Studio. This service provides vascular physical therapy aimed at improving your body’s blood circulation. This type of therapy has come from over twenty years of research and is changing the face of self-care. You will lay on a pad that emits energy designed to stimulate blood flow throughout your entire body. Your body will be able to better overcome pain. This service also boosts your overall well-being.
Air Relax
While Air Relax services were first created to benefit patients with muscular and circulatory issues, it can now be used by everyone. Air-pressure controlled boots and sleeves apply compression that is meant to help with blood circulation. This service can be used for a multitude of reasons, from recovery to treatments.
Where Can I Found Out More?
More information about the services offered at Defy Studio can be found right on our website. Click Services. You can also use the site to schedule a visit, purchase a membership, login to your current membership, and find out about specials.